Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Sunday'

Not going to make a habit of posting our Super Sunday but since today is Super Bowl Sunday and we just started our blog I thought it was fitting.  Every Sunday at our house is Super because it is a day of worship and being lazy together here.  We enjoy each others company and we do what we can to not do any kind of business on Sunday.  We try not to eat out or do any shopping and avoid working on Sunday as much as we possibly can. (sometimes working is unavoidable, if you want to keep your job)  But you never have to do business on Sunday that is a choice and yes it can be avoided (plan ahead) Even if Sunday isn't an option for your family I hope you take one day a week to enjoy each other and rest.  Quality time is the best time.  

Being that today was super bowl Sunday and our team wasn't playing we weren't much into the game but we wanted to see the commercials.  This discussion was had with the boy child on Saturday evening and we came up with an impromptu Commercial party.  (NO PICS sorry I was spending time with family and friends and new to blogging so I honestly didn't think about it until I decided to blog about our Super Sunday)  The kids invited a few friends and I made munchies :)  the kids picked up around the house with out fighting.....LIGHT BULB MOMENT....we should entertain more often!

I already had a pork roast in the crock pot for BBQ pork and was planning on making sweet potato fries and Mississippi sin.....SO I just added a few other things and Walla!  Food and friends and 2 happy teens at home with their parents enjoying some commercials and quality time!  Thank you GOD for happy healthy God loving children.

I added fritters, healthy mozzarella sticks, and queso dip as well as a zuchinni and carrot bars and strawberries and whip cream to make it a Commercial Party!

Family fave was hands down the M&M commercial "I'm sexy and I know it wiggle wiggle wiggle"  Bahaha come on it was pretty funny and besides nobody likes the brown naked M&M any way.

My second fave was the Dead kitty Man's best friend Doritos commercial.... OK so it wasn't in the best taste but you know you laughed too!

Hubs and favorite son were both huge fans of the baby and grandma Doritos commercial!

Baby girl really liked the Reinvented Toyota commercial

How did you spend your super bowl Sunday?

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