Friday, February 3, 2012

Journey to healthy

One of the things that is changing in 2012 is ME!  
I am changing and growing in more than one way so Friday posts will be about ME.  
Why Friday and not Monday or any other day?  Because that is the day of the week I  chose to weigh and measure myself.  I don't want to be thin I want to be healthy, and right now I am not healthy.  I don't want to buy a whole new wardrobe but know that I will have to.  I don't think I need a reward for doing what I should have been doing everyday for the last 10 years but I may need one to keep me motivated.  I just want to be the best version of ME I can be and that means inside and out.

I actually started this journey on Jan 1st but decided to stay on track I needed to blog about it.
MAKE ME ACCOUNTABLE PEOPLE!!!!!  Please don't be mean though.

Since January 1st I have lost 7 pounds with little to no effort but that isn't cutting it. (I need to lose 2lbs per week to be where I want to be by my 40th Birthday.   I am 5'9" tall and according to the Ideal Weight charts etc I am approaching morbid obese.  height of 5' 9" your ideal healthy weight is 152 pounds. Your recommended weight range is between 135 and 168 pounds.  

That was the easy part........Here comes the hard part. 

As of today I weigh 213 pounds.
There I said it, GASP!  EEK!  OMG!!!!  IKR?  

It is absolutely not acceptable!  

I would like to be in the recommended range for my height so I need to lose  45 pounds.  But this isn't about the weight,  this is about being the best me I can be.  I am not healthy and I KNOW IT, there are a lot of other things I need to change also including my personal relationship with my Lord and Savior but that is another post!  

There is no excuse and I will not make one.  

Our sweet children are planning a 20th anniversary cruise for us and I WANT TO ENJOY IT!  I am about to turn 40 in September and I WANT TO look my age and not like an old lady!  More importantly I want to feel good!  I don't want to starve, and I don't want to give up the things I love....I mean lets be real....I ALMOST NEVER eat out, and I ALMOST NEVER drink soda.  What I do is drink to much coffee with 1% milk and yes sugar.  Another thing I know is that I DON'T   Have not worked out.  That Changes NOW!!!!            Thank you Shari for selling me the recumbent bike so cheap!!!  

So in keeping it real fashion here are the rest of the numbers.

My Measurements
Total loss for week
Total loss for week
Total loss for week
Total inches lost for the Month

Above bust


Below bust

Natural waist

Actual waist
Where pants fit


Right thigh

Left thigh

Right above knee

Left above knee

Right below knee

Left below knee

Right calf

Left calf

Right ankle

Left ankle

Right bicep

Left bicep

Right forearm

Left forearm

Right wrist

Left wrist

Remember to be kind with your comments.  Cheer me on because like I said I don't need a reward for doing what I should have been doing all along, so instead of rewarding myself For losing 2 pounds a week!  I will reward one of you!   every Friday that I meet my goal I will give away something I have made to one of my followers.....(stay tuned for more details)  

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