Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm a BOSco sticks

Today I wanted Bosco sticks from Joe's Pizza.  Joe's is a locally owned & operated pizza place and our families favorite restaurant in town.  My Daddy is good friends with Joe, and for a time ran deliveries.  My baby sister worked there all through high School, and even I for a short time worked for Joe too.  To say we love their food would be an understatement.  We even love the current delivery guy, and he loves us…..but Joe's is not in the budget!  The Budget is written in stone and we are not deviating from it. 

We have tried the store bought Bosco sticks and YUCK!  

What is a girl on a budget to do? 

Could I make them myself? 


How hard could it be?….

It’s just garlic bread wrapped around some cheese and rolled in garlic butter and Parmesan right? 

I got this….I Make bread all the time….and we just happen to have some of those Mozzarella cheese sticks in the fridge! 
I definitely need to work on my photo taking skills I KNOW!!!

Photo of a real bosco stick :( Not from Joe's but the same.  
yeah well their photographer gets paid and I don't :D
bare in mind I stink at pictures and don’t remember to take them until it’s too late but I’m working on it, and no I haven't taken the time to get my nails done either.

While preparing the spaghetti and bosco sticks we discovered we didn't have enough spaghetti noodles for dinner.
 (we improvised & went with elbow noodles, & remaining spaghetti noodles) 

I melted the butter  for the bosco sticks in the microwave added some garlic salt because I am a not perfect and totally meant to buy garlic powder but instead bought garlic salt…..not once but 3 different x’s.  Then I went to get some Parmesan cheese out of the fridge only to find we didn’t have any… again I improvised and mixed garlic salt into Parmesan herb seasoning.  (Whose Idea was it to have spaghetti??) 

I was trying to show you what the yeast looked like when it was ready.....FAIL  Sorry
add 2 1/2 cups of flour.....Fail again

while the dough I didn't take a picture of rests for 10 mins Melt your  butter and add  Garlic Salt

Yeah the flash is too bright but the natural lighting was terrible  

Then I divided the dough into 10 equal pieces.  Rolled the dough into a rectangular shape just a little bigger than the cheese stick, brushed a little garlic butter on put a frozen cheese stick in the middle and sealed it up. 

Then I threw a little flour on my board and rolled the stick to get a nice uniform shape.  Brushed on a little more garlic butter, and sprinkled some garlic Parmesan herb seasoning on the outside and put it on the cookie sheet.  

this is what they look like all rolled up.  Don't hate on that really old pan....She was My Mother in laws, she's a Wilton and has proven the test of time.  I don't know for sure how old she was when I got her but I know I have been using her for  20 years!! and she may not be pretty anymore but SHE IS one of 3 of the best pans I own, all Wilton and all 3 inherited from my mother in law 20 years ago.  
Let them rise for 10-15 minutes and pop them in the oven.  

10 min first pan(tiny bit of cheese was oozing out)  ….second pan we took out at 8 min and they were perfect and no cheese was trying to escape.  Brushed on another coat of garlic butter and 
Kevin and Shania both agreed they were better than JOE’S!!!!!!  SCORE yeah that’s right WE AVERTED THE PIZZA GUY again! 

Here is the recipe

Momma’s Bosco sticks
  • 1 Tbsp. yeast
  • 1 c. very warm water
  • 1 Tbsp. sugar
  • 1 t. salt
  • 2 T. olive oil
  • 21/2 C.  All purpose flour
  • 10  mozzarella cheese sticks
  • garlic salt
  • 1/3 c. melted butter
  • Parmesan herb
1.       Combine yeast, water, and sugar.  Let set a few minutes to activate yeast.
2.      Add flour, salt and olive oil to yeast mixture
3.      Knead into soft dough.  Let rest 5-10 minutes.
4.      Separate dough into 10 equal parts.  Roll each part into rectangles just bigger than a cheese stick.
5.      Cut Cheese Sticks length wise.
6.      Brush garlic butter down the center of dough
7.      Lay cheese stick on breadstick
8.      Fold dough around Cheese Seal well.
9.      Roll to get shape and ensure that the cheese is sealed inside of dough. 
10.   Brush melted butter on each breadstick and sprinkle Parmesan herb garlic mix.
11.    Allow to rise 5-10 minutes
12.   Bake at 450 for 8-10 minutes
13.   Brush on more garlic butter.
Serve warm

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